Kealyn Marshall-Nyman
Te Whānau-a-Apanui, Ngā Ruahine, Ngā Rauru, Te Atihaunui-ā-paparangi
Kōkō Chillers
Kealyn’s business, Kōkō Chillers, is focused on Te Ao Māori values. It is a Māori business providing a service for whānau Māori and is best described as by Māori for Māori with the core values of manaakitanga, aroha and whanaungatanga.
The 27-year-old had noticed his whānau (in remote locations) often faced challenges with food and drink storage especially when hosting large events like tangihanga which they wanted to run in a way that embraced kaupapa Māori.
He responded by designing and creating purpose-built mobile walk-in chillers on trailers that can be hired for large events or when communities gather to connect, serve, learn, celebrate, and grieve without additional “logistical concerns or stress.”
Kealyn was granted $20,000 from He Kākano which he used to buy another trailer, equip it with a modern bespoke mobile chiller and brand it with Kōko Chiller signage and contact information.
He says he used many of the skills from the Enterprise Programme to support the launch and expansion of his business and now has two purpose-built chillers for hire over the busy summer months.
Kealyn is extremely proud of keeping his cultural values at the heart of his pākihi as they are a representation of his pride in being Māori.
He hopes this is an inspiration for other aspiring Māori entrepreneurs and has some advice for them.
“Take every opportunity you are presented with and work hard to achieve success. Persevere, seek a support team who will back you and your ideas, give you advice and remind you of your success.”
“Whaia te iti Kahurangi ki te tuohu koe me he maunga teitei - seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain.”